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Enlightenment of Emoji

What is the extent of the role of Emoji in cross-cultural marketing communication between the UK and China?
This research examines how Emoji is employed in marketing communication in China and the UK, in order that we may understand its application in different cultural contexts. The aim of the project is to identify the precise role Emoji plays in cross-cultural marketing communication between the UK and China, and to determine the most effective way to apply Emoji usage to a marketing strategy.
The scope of the study is marketing communication with emojis, and cultural differences in understanding Emoji.

Why Emoji?

The story

When I was studying Graphic design in Edinburgh, one day, I walked home on the Lothian Road; I saw a smiley face made of Post-it. A carefully made smiling face symbol expressing best wishes. The symbol is so simple, easy to read and invokes a smile, happiness, enjoy and more. It reminds me of the cultural shift from words to images. This is the starting point of my Major Project.

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Phases of Research

Three Phases

The methodology of this research project can be simplified into three key phases. Firstly, reviewing the archaeology of emojis to understand what is Emoji. Secondly, collecting primary data and Thirdly, evaluate both primary research and secondary resources from the design management perspective.

Archaeology of emojis

To answer and understand what emojis are, a visual analysis of semiotics will be beneficial. Will look at historical events and ideas to explain the present state of emojis.

Cultural Probe & Case Study

At the second stage, a cultural probe will be conducted in order to analyse what and how meaning is generated from particular emojis in particular contexts. I will use the UK and China as two comparative cultures to investigate cultural differences with regard emoji usage.


To evaluate both primary and secondary research studies in order to have a comprehension based on emojis in marketing and advertising.

This methodology is designed to investigate the possibility of emojis being a universal language used in various fields and industries, with a particular focus on branding and advertising.

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Welcome to my Blog Portfolio

A highlighting of the Project

This portfolio includes the outputs and processes of my project development. You can find four tags:
- Research Process- include a curated selection of primary research, development, and final work.
- Opinion- is where I state my critical thinking on the Emoji-base marketing.
-Emoji Study- is the study of Emoji as a social and cultural object.

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